A Beginner’s Guide to Poker


Poker is a game of chance (with some skill and psychology). It is played with a standard pack of cards and in most games the highest hand wins. Some games also have wild cards.

Players ante something (the amount varies by game) and are then dealt two cards. Then players place chips into the pot, which is a pool of money that will be used to determine the winner of a hand. The player with the best hand takes all the money in the pot.

When betting comes around to you, you have the option to call a bet, raise it, or fold. Usually you will want to raise the bet, because this will force weaker hands out of the pot and raise the value of your winnings.

If you call a bet, the player to your left must either match your raise or fold his cards. If he folds, he is out of the hand.

This is a very complex book that explores balance, frequencies, and ranges in a way that is extremely illuminating. It is a perfect complement to the One Percent course and should be read after it. You can find it for free on Youtube or any training site subscription, though it may be cheaper to get the course first. It is a must-read for anyone serious about their poker game. It is a bit intimidating to start, but it is well worth the effort.